I am 41 years old, and I am a WAHM with two teenagers, a grade-schooler, and a toddler. I juggle cooking, writing, PTA, diapers and design on a daily basis. I work for a pittance and I never get a day off. Crazy? Yes! Rewarding? Absolutely! Challenging? All the time. Would I trade it for anything in the world? No thanks...

What Mompreneur Really Means

According to Wisegeek, , mompreneur is a newly coined term for women who establish businesses at home while also acting as the full time parent of their children. The mompreneur movement is one steadily growing in the US as mothers try to find ways to make money, express their creativity or business acumen, and also to parent their children.
This is my secretary, sporting the latest fashion... Panty Hats.
Ok, so cut the crap... What mompreneur really means is that you get up at the butt-crack of dawn, wake up disgruntled, sleep deprived children, and hopefully get them off to school with their teeth brushed and hair combed, wearing clean clothes. You have your toddler hanging off your boob while you try to type an article, all the while avoiding flailing feet that are trying to drum on your keyboard. When home, your teenager comes in the office (which happens to be a corner of the laundy room) every five minutes because you just have to see this Slipknot video on YouTube. You check your email. You discover your article has been rejected because you used the word boob in an article about breastfeeding. You see another article has been approved, and rejoice at the $1.99 that has been deposited into your PayPal account! WooHoo, get that breastfeeding one approved and you may have enough money for a frappachino from Starbuck's. You express your creativity by venting about your family on your blog, and practice your business acumen by trying to keep your grocery budget down to under $500 a month for a family of five, including diapers! You parent your children by turning on Yo Gabba Gabba for the toddler, and keeping a 4-pack of Monsters in the fridge to help the teenager stay awake and get his homework done. Your true business hours are between Top Chef and 3 am in the morning, which is when you have the least amount of distractions. Crazy? Yes! Rewarding? Absoulutely! Challenging? All the time. Would I trade it for anything in the world? No thanks... I have worked for someone else since I was 14 years old, and I love being my own boss, being able to do PTA (yea, they actually let me do that.. who knew?), be home when the kids are home from school, and listen to whatever music I want while I work!

Kids Make it Hard to Think Sometimes...

Friday, September 18, 2009

The past two days, I have found it difficult to commit myself fully to my job.  Emotionally, I have had a large portion of my brain dedicated to worrying about my two oldest, and physically I spent most of my day driving back and forth to the Bay Area.  It is hard to be torn between keeping up with committments to clients, and your committment to your most important client of all, your family.

Wednesday, my 19 year old daughter had to go to the San Francisco to consult with her Endocrinologist.  For those who haven't ever encountered one of these, they aren't people you want to see.  Oh, they are quite nice, that isn't the problem.  The problem is, if they want to see you, then you definately have a problem.  We thought my daughter's endocrine problem had largely been taken care of when the endocrine surgeon took out her thyroid in July.  Well, her following doctor wanted to see her in person to make sure things were going well since the surgery.  After her appointment, my daughter called me in hysterics from the parking garage at UCSF to tell me that things aren't going well at all.  Turns out, endocrine also has to do with hormonal stuff, and with all my daughters auto-immune crap, that has always been off kilter.  It appears as if her immune system attacking her liver, GI system, thyroid... these weren't enough.  It has also been attacking her ovaries, causing her to not produce enough estrogen.  Big problem.

We have touched on this before... the estrogen thing.  However, BC pills (a common way to replace estrogen) can't be used due to her liver disorder.  We tried the patch and it made her practically homicidal (umm, that's not good).  We kind of backed away and decided to tackle some other physical issues, figured we would get back to the estrogen thing later.  Turns out, it is a bigger deal than we imagined.  Her immune system may have caused enough damage that she will face infertility... She could try hormone therapy, but we kinda think her assorted specialists will find out reasons why this could be harmful for her.  My beautiful red head, who truly believes that it is every red head's duty to try and save the red headed genetic strain, is basically being told she shouldn't have children.  The risks to her health, the difficulties she would face getting pregnant, and the unknowns about whether her various autoimmune disorders would be passed down to her children are all big red flags.

Needless to say, I have been an emotional wreck since we got the call Tuesday asking her to come in.  I do not know how to comfort her.  I am like fertile myrtle, and have been so easily blessed with four wonderful children.  What do I say to this young woman who wants to someday have a family, to be a mommy to little red headed babies... Selfishly, this is what I want to...  I want those little carrot top kids running around.  I try to think that maybe it still will be... Maybe we are being premature in our doom and gloom.  My daughter is being the mature one, thinking how unfair it would be to have a child have to go through health issues like her...  Already, she is hitting up her best friend for egg donation... Looks like I may have to start fundraising, because I am sure her insurance isn't going to call invitro-fertilization a medical necessity.

Aside from that, today, well yesterday if you consider I am writing this at 12:30 am on Friday... On Thursday, I woke up, emailed a couple clients, worked on a client's web page for about an hour, and then drove my son to see the orthopedic surgeon.  I need to just put a SHOUT OUT to Dr. Ma and the Orthopedic Surgery center at UCSF.  They are great professionals to work with.  My son is scheduled in just 3 weeks to have surgery to take some screws out of his femur, they are doing it as an outpatient surgery, and agreed to do the pre-op consult over the phone!  That saves so much time, since pre-op usually has to be done at the hospital or clinic a day or two before.  While preparing to go to the appointment today, I packed my notebook planning to try and write on some articles I need to send to a client.  Didn't happen.  Troll Baby needed to tag along today, and it is just impossible to write when you have a toddler trying to roam the waiting room of a clinic filled with fragile people on crutches, in wheelchairs, using canes, wearing braces and generally at great risk of incurring damage from an underfoot child.

So, today was a bust as far as work is concerned.  Tomorrow should be much better.  I get paid for my Boosters layout, all the kids will be at school for several hours (not counting Troll Baby - but maybe I can bribe her with Little Bear and Yo Gabba Gabba), and I should be able to concentrate better on work knowing that the best professionals I know are concentrating on fixing my kids.
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Twincerely,Olga said...

HI! I am so sorry to hear about your daughter!! My heart goes out to her.I am an older Mommy and have quite an age gap between my last child and my twins! Please stop by!

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